Monday, October 31, 2016


A small subset of the greater Loon population helped get the wiring started.  The Guest Cottage, as it is termed by the Adirondack Park Agency, was in a state of partial readiness, so we began the job.  Interior walls aren't really necessary, are they?

Booboo prepares the auger for the Hole Hawg.
As he handed me the hole driller,
the Woodbutcher told me to beware.
"This thing will keep drilling holes while you're sleeping if you're not careful.

The lattice work provides a lovely light painting
with the sun at the proper angle.
Alas, we've decided to ruin the art with an opaque roof.

And speaking of the roof, it needs to get on as soon as possible.
The direction of their flight indicates it is late in the year.

Booboo provides lighting to the crawl space under the guest cottage.
He and I handled much of the work in that space,
at least in part because we were closest to being able to stand.  Crawl space?
More like a hunch-over-and-don't-forget-the-central-beam space.
Of course, I forgot.

Homefries, Booboo and Dock Doc take a well deserved break.
It's good to have friends.

BBQ chicken on the grill is hard to beat for tasty carcinogens,
particularly when prepared with a construction spatula.
The spatula is also excellent for making cuts for testing "doneness." 

From the water, the view of the new camp will look quite similar to that which came before.

We stayed over 'til Monday and saw the construction crew at work,
moving laminated beams into place.

Lots of manual labor lifting heavy beams.

The glossy floor and gray sky are a tipoff to the type of day it was.
Actually, it was not nearly this nice.
I brightened this shot up.
But it will all be worth it.
Wait 'til you see what's up in the next post!


  1. Looking real good, but now I want to see the next post, you've got me all excited...

  2. Looking real good, but now I want to see the next post, you've got me all excited...

  3. Glad to see that it is all coming together. Hope the winter weather holds off until you get it closed in!!!!
