Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Tale Of Two Visits

Mary and I drove down the driveway to the construction site one fine September day.  We saw the trucks, but where was everyone?  Gone fishing?

Hopping out of the car, we could hear chatter, but could still see no one.  Well, at least Mary could hear chatter.  Where are they?

There they are!  Down in the shadows of the basement, 
working on applying a finishing coat to all the wood.



Pretty great!  An access point for the crawl space under the guest cottage.
All we need is a door to close it off.
I'll need to assign a sign to it, denoting it as the Bear Door.

Isn't it a wonderful 4-feet-tall space 
for providing mechanicals that will make our guests comfortable?
Yes, I think an unkind reader or two will make comment.
And I think the bears will like it too, without comment.

Wood being finished.
I wish the finishing would finish so that the buildings can be finished.

Another quick reminder of why we're rebuilding here.

A view from down by the river.
OK, it's not really a river.  It's a dammed creek.
The creek is a dam-site better for paddling.
The ladies returning from a walk through.

I love the smell of recently cut wood.
Polyurethane?  Not so much.

But the smelly stuff does a fine job of bringing out the beautiful grain
of the Tamarack posts.

These false beams, awaiting finishing, will obscure the engineered beams
that will support the trusses.

The floor joists overhead, not at basketball height,
but much higher that what I'm used to at home.
I'm gonna like this basement.

Drying racks awaiting the finished knotty pine boards
that will become the Great Room ceiling.
Yes, I think it will be a great room when done.

Thirsty Tamarack beams.

"Wake me when it's all finished."

More progress on egress.

Not rolling, nonetheless unsatisfied.

Still awaiting the creative surge that determines the use of the boulders.

Parts in place for what we hope soon becomes a flurry of activity.

As one of our neighbors paddles in the distance,
we enjoy the first toast in the Great Room.


Early October visit.
When we arrived at the dam downstream from our construction site,
the colors began to pop.

Not bad further upstream either.

The view from the kitchen.

Look what happened!
Mary is holding up one of the walls in the guest cottage.

I love the fall colors.
Great to see the beautiful leaves and construction materials.

All finished and ready to go.

Ceiling pine to the left.
False tamarack beams to the right.

These posts are not yet upright citizens.

Love the grain and color in the Tamarack.

I'm beaming with pride over the beams.
The reddish portions of the wood are supposed to darken
and show the grain in a more pronounced fashion as time goes on.

First basement project complete,
and I haven't even lived there yet.

I'm glad to see all this insulation.
I'm guessing you know why.

Rain, rain, go away.
Construction crew,
will not stay.

It's just a big puzzle, poised to be put together.

Back on the road after our quick visit.

The rain gives East Canada Creek a healthy flow
after a very dry summer.
But we'll be back in residence next year, so expect a wet one!


  1. Looking real good Randy and Mary....Can't wait to see it complete as I'm sure you agree.

  2. Nice! Looks like you're making good progress. Love the timbers.

  3. Randy,

    Looking good my friend. Love the great great room. BTW we are now great grand parents! Woo woo. Best to you and yours.

    John and Clover Watkins

  4. Wow!Looks great! You're right the basement is wonderful and I won't say it! Congrats to John and Clover on the great grand child!
