Sunday, January 12, 2020

Walking On Water

We reside in a place of spectacular beauty.

This point was driven home on a walk along Stewarts Landing in Stratford, NY, on a beautiful sunny day in early January.

The blue sky reflected in the blueness of the lake
provides one with anything but the blues.

On the frozen shallows, the unmolested snow beckons.
Walking on water is much easier when it is frozen.

The camera is incapable of capturing the bright sun
and what it illuminates in a single image.
But no matter that the picture is full of errors.
The aberrations do a good job of communicating the emotive effect.

Heat from the sun creates the mist rising from the snow.

We walk on through unseen mist close by.

Only distance reveals what is all around us.

Our tracks stretch backward for miles.

The foggy mist is thicker looking forward.

Ice flows jam up as we approach the narrows.

Perhaps unaffected by the surrounding beauty,
running untethered is the great joy of the little dog.

Blue and white and green-tinged darkness.

The mist is illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the trees, ...

... occasionally diffracting into colors, ...

... much like the sunset.


  1. Thanks for sharing the tranquility. Steph

  2. Beautiful! My day now can start on a peaceful note.

    1. My task accomplished, I celebrate with another cup of coffee.

  3. Blog as art form. Well done. Especially appreciate the bracing, crisp freshness down here in the wilting heat and humidity. Thank you!

  4. Such wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing, Randy.
