Thursday, August 22, 2019

One Hazy Morning On Stewarts Landing

There was a time when sleep was less of a challenge.  However, rising shortly after the sun does provide opportunities.  Sipping coffee and idly looking out the window is one, particularly when that window provides a view over the water to the forest beyond.

What's that white spec in the trees?

Looks like an eagle.

Yes, definitely an eagle.
Of course, he is not following the modelling agreement,
and has landed too far away on a hazy low-light morning.
On the positive side, this provides excellent rationalization
for expensive new camera equipment.

"You lookin' at me?"

"I really don't care."
He sat for 40 minutes,
waiting for the easily distracted photographer
to lose interest.

Fortunately, there was enough coffee
to merit waiting until he finally prepared for action!
(This shot taken just after the impressive weight reduction technique
all birds use prior to take-off.)

Now away, down low over the water.

A quick splash and upward again.

It appears a fish has taken advantage of the eagle's
"Swim near surface, fly high" offer.

But the fish won't be taking advantage
of that offer again.


  1. I'm envious! How great it is to sit, drink coffee, and watch nature at its finest. Not to make comparisons...but the Blue Angels flew over my house today.

    1. Cool! I love the Blue Angels. Did they catch any fish?

  2. Living the life - wonderful shots, way to go ... I am so looking forward to playing with my camera when I retire :) enjoy

  3. PS this is Pauline, it says UNKNOWN in my comment - say hi to Mary for us -

    1. Glad to be of service! Mary, the unknown Pauline says hello.

    2. you had to "know" that was coming!

  4. I saw a sparrow at my feeder today.


  5. Fantastic. Send him down my way. Thank you so much for sharing.
