Tuesday, August 7, 2018

'Twas Divine

First, the heartfelt explanation of humanity.

It is a physical impossibility to invite everyone you know and love to a gathering.  Thus, if perchance this is your first inkling of what occurred, know that you are still loved.  Immensely!  We'll be sure to express our affection at your next party.

So what monumental event was added to the Chronicles of Mankind? 

Warning: Vegetarians and Vegans, read no further!!!

A boreal Crunchy Rock-pig.
An omen, seen in the north country earlier in the year.
Extremely long slow cooking necessary for this breed.

Once there was a man with a roaster.  On a screamingly hot day in July, he made a pilgrimage to Stewarts Landing, after roasting all night. 

Stewart Landing, with Lily Lake, Canada Lake and West Lake beyond.  
Then things get a bit more rugged.

Jamie and his roaster.
Can you read the plate on the back?

Calories were distributed



Scene of the crime.
Good to see that the hand of man is minimal.

Music!  There was music!
Old-time Hoedown,
personified in Kathy and Steven.

Their fingers move like spiders dance! *

Incredible!  Too fast for photography!

Well, maybe not for skilled photography.

How does she play with all that hardware?
 The manifestation of some neurological disorder,
probably caused by some insect-borne disease.
Always check for ticks.

It was so hot, most moved very little and flapped their lips
in hope of creating some wind.
Unfortunately, this only added to the hot air.

Exuberance resulting from aqueous cooling.

Partial plunging provided the preferred post-pig pursuit. 

Slightly different view of the swimmin' hole.
What's going on, doggone it?
They're performing the stress test on the Disco Deck, of course!

All the activity created an inevitable energy deficit.

But no one retired until after the sky was afire!

Fireworks provided by Scott Sundvall.

Drone images provided by Brent Gentile.

* Partially stolen from Peppi Marchello, God rest his soul, and modified by poor hearing.  Modified and preferred version presented above.