Monday, December 28, 2015

Holidays 2015

The needles are falling off the tree.  Since it was a little toward the short side (yes, I identified with it), I decided not to have the young guy saw off any of the base when we took it from the Garden Factory.  They always take off too much.  Instead, I used the wood rasp to take a little material off around the outside of the base.  I'm not thinking that did a good job of opening up the channels so that the dying conifer could get a last gulp of water.

Gluing the needles back on doesn't work very well.

I am disappointed.  It looks like we're going to have to take the tree down before Valentine's Day.

We held the extended family Christmas celebration at Edna Tina Wilson Senior Living Center.  We once celebrated a holiday where we brought my father out of the skilled-nursing facility where he resided, and that made us think better of making Mom suffer through the transfer.  A good decision.

The reserved conference room was nice enough, and Mom looked very nice in the holiday garb selected by my sister.  Though she was sleepy, I could tell Mom was happy to have all her grandkids there.

2 of her 4 grandkids assist as Mom opens a present.

The next day we were fortunate to have the chance to hold the nearly newborn son of some friends.  Not born yesterday, my son David noted that at both ends of the spectrum, we are often sleepy and sightless, completely in the care of others.  I'd add that at one end, there is joy in potential.  At the other, bittersweet though it may be, the joy is in the memories of potential realized.

A subsequent day was better...we got to see Mom's pretty blue eyes.  Though the stories she was telling were nonsensical, she was alert and engaged.  And she still has a sense of humor.  Great to hear her laugh.

We had a nice holiday with family and friends.  Peace was with us, and drama stayed on Broadway.  Hope you experienced the same.


  1. Thank you, Randy, for this post. My mum also had "pretty blue eyes" and I do cherish all the moments I was in their presence. Glad to hear you'll be taking the tree down before the snow melts. haha
    Merry Christmas - Robin

  2. Sounds like a bittersweet holiday - oh, oops, you use that word, don't you? Blessings to your family!

    1. And to yours, too, more sweet than bitter.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to see your family together with your mother!

  4. I had the good fortune to curl with your mom and dad. That's how I remember them.
    JC and the Gang

  5. As always, well put Randy. -Phyllis
