Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bon Voyage, mise à jour

If you read the previous post about our misadventures in Red Creek,  you know that my little camera had gone missing when our craft became a submarine.  Alas, poor Olympus.  I knew him, Nikon.

Can you believe it?  The camera is found.  Not only found, but since it is waterproof to depths beyond those to which we plunged, all is fully functional.  So here are a few more iconic images from our journey.

Hail Doug, the Conquering Hero.
He came, he saw, he conquered MacGregors.
Note the stylish and color coordinated PFD.

Here is Randy, demonstrating that the the paddle is mightier than MacGregors.
What do you think is running through the mind of the woman in the background?

Here we see Doug in high spirits,
having made it into the canoe on only his second attempt.

Full appreciation of Doug's plight is difficult from the previous image.
A close-up is warranted.
Note the glistening shoes, clinging pants and matted hair.
His good cheer is impressive!

Yes, Mary is the one who found the camera.  I was surprised that she was able to do so with the current conditions.  But she is determined, and she dove again and again until she surprised even herself by retrieving the camera...from the clothes hamper.


  1. Yahoo!
    Yes Virginia there is a camera fairy.


  2. Oh, funny! Like the time my husband lost his wallet, cancelled all credit cards - and found it a week later in the pocket of the pants he'd been wearing.

    1. Hah! You can't fool us. You found his wallet and hid it in those pants.

  3. OK, we are not really 50/50 egalitarian about household chores ((I'm thinking Clark does more) but when it comes to laundry he is really off limits so it is no surprise that Mary recovered the camera.

    1. I won't mention body parts, but it is clear that women have the means to find things that are lost. Probably explains most husbands.
